I had called capital one to make my payment but asked if we could go over the due date this would be the only month and of course that was no problem, the csr even set my august payment up for aug, 31 2010 and i set up sept payment right away also for sept 3rd but it bothered me that the aug payment was on the 31st if something would of happened then they could have us over 30 days so my husband and i made a payment of $4000.00 $2000.00 for aug & $2000.00 for sept but the week of aug 18th him and i were suffering so i called capital one and asked if we could use one of the checks they sent us and write it out for 3000.00 i was told to go ahead no problem are account is fine, while i was asking them about the check we had recieved a phone call from the company we were doing a line of credit and that it just came up that capital one called the credit agents saying we were 30 days past due for august, we talked to a supervisor and he asked for 3 days to investigate and would get back to us, he seen we were never over due.

When August 2010 came around that was when my husband and i started to feel the pinch of not working for over a little of a month, him and I made some serious cutbacks so we would have payroll we were starting over 30 days before invoicing and they have 30 days to pay and we ended up getting alot of jobs that we were hiring so my husband went to take a line of credit so we had some overhead. In that conversation i also asked them to take the hold off of are account cause we were unable to log on, this is how i make are payment and get are statement but we have been locked out so i had to call over the phone and make are payment every month even when they said it would be unlocked it never happened. My husband and I have been with capital one for almost 10 years, we are small business owners and with the economy it was getting a little scary since we are mason contractors, being with capital one for so long i felt it was only right to call way ahead and explain the circumstances just in case we would have some serious trouble, when i called and explained everything they seemed more than happy to work with us and thanked us for calling ahead of time instead of waiting to see what would happen at the last minute and not to worry they would work with us if need be.